Friday, February 1, 2013

Re: Day 5 - An Unexpected Friend

I need to stop staying up and researching.

Good morning to you too.

Now what should I do? I suppose it would be a good idea to explo-

...Is that one looking at me?
"Can I help you?"
 "No, I'm not."
I don't like him looking at me. Perhaps if I give him some food he'll leave me alone?
"Uh, here you can have this. I wasn't going to eat it anyways."

Huh. Well I guess I don't mind him following me around... So long as he doesn't do anything stupid.

Right. The grave.
I wonder if- nah. My dead body won't be in there because I'm not dead!
But perhaps just to be sure...

A fake kazoo. A fake kazoo?! Who would go to the trouble of digging a grave and burying a fake kazoo?! And then put my name on a headstone?! Why- But-
"Do you know why this was buried?"
 "No, this!"
"Yes but-" *Sigh* "Nevermind."


"Wait, what?"
Oh look, more trees.

"Don't be silly! You can't chop down trees with your fists!"

"Huh. Good job."

"You can stop now."

"...Thanks. You too."

"Do you have a name?"
"I'm Wilson."

It's a bridge of some sort. I wonder what's on the other side.

"...Yeah, Jamie. It is."

"Good night, Jamie."

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