Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 4 - Fishing

*Grooooaaaan* Hungry.

 I know! I can use these branches and the silk I got from that giant spider nest to make a fishing rod! I know I saw some ponds before!

 ...Plus this hat puts me in the mood for it.

 Here we go! Come on, fish. Bite!

Hey! A frog! Come here, you!

Ow! It hurt me!

Forget this place, I'm leaving.

Stupid frog...

Hmm. I think I can take on a few of those spiders. How tough can they be?

Aaaaa! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

Haha! That felt good. I think I'm going to try to catch some fish again.

Come on! Got it! Take that, fish! This isn't too hard.

Finally, another fish.

It's getting dark. I should head back to the machine. There aren't as many flammable things here.

Gah! Looks like I'm not going to make it back before nightfall. And I don't want to accidentally set that on fire.

*Sigh* Bored.

I think night time might be my favorite part of the day. If that's even possible.

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