Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 5 and 6, Again - Koalaphant!


Must be a pretty big animal...

Doesn't look like there are any more tracks around. Man.


*Sigh* Need someplace to rest.

Yeah... No.

I guess I'm not going to get any sleep tonight. Whatever, I didn't want to rest anyways.

Hey, what's that?

It looks like the same footprint I found yesterday...

Looks like it went that way.

Wait. What am I doing? How will finding whatever this thing is help me? I need to find food! I need to get out of here!
...But, it would be kinda nice to have some company... And whatever this thing is, it must eat...

I'll find you!


I think I'm getting closer!


"Hey there!"


"Hey! Where are you going?!"

"Okay, you just stay over there for now!"

I don't think it likes me very much...

...I want to go home...

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