Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 7 (For The First Time!) - Frusteration

"Good morning!"
Still nuthin', huh? Fine. Be that way. 

I had really hoped that it would be my friend...

Hey, what's that?

This... isn't mine. But... if it isn't mine, then who's?

Maybe who's ever it is left a trail?

A whole day of searching, and nothing. Not a trace.

Man, even fire isn't cheering me up tonight.
*Skitter* *Skitter* 

"Oh, go away spiders! I'm not in the mood."

This just isn't fair! Every time I think I've found something, it just turns into a dead end.

*Skitter* *Skitter* *Skitter*
"I said go away!"

"Get lost!"

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

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