Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 5 - Boredom

*Yawn* Ow! It still hurts from yesterday. Ugh. I guess I'm gunna have to take it easy today.



Hey! A beehive!

I bet it has lots of honey in it! And, you know, bees.


Maybe eating will make me feel better...

...I definitely know that fire will!

Mmm. Wonder what I'm gunna do now? I guess I could go exploring? Is it even worth it?
I guess I don't have much to lose. 

...What are you looking at?

That'll show him!

Ugh! Why are the days so short?! What do I do now?

 ...I bet if I put these in the machine they'll explode! Well, probably not, but it's worth a try.

Nope! Stupid machine.

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