Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 2 and 3 - Hats and Spiders

By the light of the campfire, I have made this hat! And a machine. But I like the hat better. I can burn it if I don't have anything else.

Breakfast time, rabbits!

Huh? What's that thing?

I... guess if it doesn't get in my way, it's alright. Kind of funny looking, actually.

 I think I should have a lot of wood and grass for the fire. I can't wait for tonight!

 This should be enough.


 Needs more fuel.

That was fun.

Better get more stuff for tonight's bonfire.

Huh. Y'know, I bet I could make a rabbit trap out of all this grass. It can't be harder then making this hat.

There! Now I just need to wait and... Hey! That funny looking thing is back!
"No, don't go over there! You'll scare away the rabbits! Stay away from that trap! You'll knock it over! Hey! Don't eat that! No! Grrrr!" 

"Get back here!"

 "I'll kill you, you stupid bird!"

Where'd he go?

Looks like I lost him.
Hey, what's that? 

 That's... weird. Why would someone make a grave, and then not put a name on it?

...I guess they aren't using it... And no one's around... What the heck?

...Wires? Why would someone put wires in a grave? Did they have a pet robot dog or something?

Not much over that way...

 Whoa! What is that thing?!
"Ahhh! Get away!"

*Pant* *Pant* Fire. Need some fire.

It... looks like I'm safe for now. Geeze, that spider was huge!

"Is something out there? Hello?" 


Hee! Take that, spiders!

Mmm. Smells good.


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