Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 1 - Wandering

Huh. I'm pretty sure I didn't go to sleep here.

 ...I guess I should do what that guy said. What was his name? 
Whatever. I'm just gunna call him Maxwell. Seems to fit.

Food, food... If I could catch one of those rabbits I could eat it. And there's got to be berries and stuff.

... And burning.

Oh hey! A crow!

I guess it won't be burning today. Poor thing. But I think I can make something out of it's branches.

There we go! An axe! Lets see how well it works.

Phew. That was harder then I thought it would be. At least I know that it works.

I bet I can kill some of those rabbits with this!

I knew there must be berries around here! 

I wonder if this is enough food? I'm gunna need more, later, but I guess I can find it when I need it.

Oh shoot! Where are they?! I always keep them on m- Oh phew. Here they are.

C'mon, light! 

There! Now if I throw them on the ground, I can use them kind of like a campfire! They probably won't last very lo-

 ...Heh. Bonus!

...Maybe I should just make an actual camp fire.

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