Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 1, Again - Taking In the New Scenery

Where the heck is all my stuff? I bet that Maxwell guy took it.

I don't like that guy. The way he talks to me... He's so condescending.

... I miss my hat.

I'm pretty sure that spider nests didn't look like that before.

I think this is a spider's nest. Better make sure though...

Definitely a spider nest!



Victory- owwwww.


Stupid, stupid! Why did I do that?!

Huh? What are those things?

Awww, crap.  

At least Maxwell didn't take my matches.

Fire makes everything a bit better.


I might just go insane in this place.
I wonder if there's anyone else around here? Besides those pig-looking-people. And Maxwell. I wonder how I know the guy? I can't exactly remember anything else about him except his name.
Whatever. As long as he stays out of my way, we won't have a problem. But if he does... Well... I guess I could spare a few matches for him.

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