Sunday, February 3, 2013

Re: Day 8 and 9 - Wilson the Hunter

If I had another trap, I could double the amount of food I get.

There we go! Now I need carrots. And more grass wouldn't hurt. And... logs for fire...

Plenty of wood, but no carrots. I think I picked all the ones on this island. It's hard to remember. I really should start keeping a journal.

Even if I don't have any bait, I can still catch rabbits if I'm clever enough.

...How long can I keep doing this?

I mean, now that I've figured things out, I can survive...

...But it doesn't seem to be getting any easier.

I really shouldn't think like that. I can't let this place get to me.

 Perhaps doing some science will cheer me up-
Oh, come on!

I do have a torch. I can just run out and find a rock.

I think there's a rock this way...

No! No no no!

Good thing I didn't get very far.

As much as I want to do some more science, I need food.

A rock! Wonderful!

Aaaah, science. I think I can figure out a way to build a better machine, but I'll need more resources.

Oooh! Idea! I can get bee stingers pretty easily but the papyrus is... back... in the...

... Great.

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