Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 3 - The Dangers

...I'm not going in there. Those... tentacle things will rip me apart. Perhaps there are more resources elsewhere?

Indeed there are. I think I should rest for a while. It's been a rough few days. And my wound from that thing still hurts... I hope it wasn't poisonous... And yet, if I do rest, I'll be wasting daylight.

 Oh! Rabbits!
"Hello ther- No! Don't run away!"

 Grrr. Fine. Forget all of you.

 Bees. Wonderful.

 So long as I don't bother them, they shouldn't come after me.

 I was right! Perhaps I'll be able to harvest some honey or some such from them later.

 The ocean again. I really am on an island. But, why can't I see further? It's just... black. Where is this place?

 Night is going to arrive soon. I should gather all the resources I can before then.

What is that? It... appears to be a ne-

Aaaa! No! Run! Run run run!

*Gasp* *Pant* I don't think they saw me. *Shudder* Those- those were spiders! Giant spiders!

I- I need someway to defend myself.

 Science. Science is comforting. The absolutes it provides are may be the only thing that keeps me sane in this forsaken place.

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